This project accepts contributions of all kind, be it for documentation improvements, fixing incorrect typings or adding entirely new typings for yet undocumented parts of the Obsidian API.
General Notes
Feel free to start typing any part of the Obsidian API that is not yet typed, or fixing/adding additional descriptions to existing typings. If you are unsure about anything, don’t hesitate to open an issue.
Some guides are provided for you to get started with contributing to the project:
Please use TSDoc to document the typings. This will allow the documentation to be automatically generated within your IDE, and can help with the discoverability of the typings.
interface someObject { /** * Does something specific * @param val1 Enables some functionality * @tutorial Useful for implementing some features for your plugin * @remark Prefer using `someOtherMethod` instead */ someMethod(val1: boolean): number;
/** * Does something that you're not certain about, and should probably not be used * @internal */ someInternalMethod(): void;}