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The <PageBacklinks> component extends the <Backlinks> component, and handles whether the backlinks should be displayed on this page, automatically sets the slug prop of the <Backlinks> component to the current page’s slug, and the passed frontmatter properties.


import { PageBacklinks } from 'starlight-site-graph/components';


Display the backlinks component corresponding to the current page.

<span slot="title">Fancy Backlinks Title</span>


The visibility of the <PageBacklinks> component is determined, in order of precedence, by the following:

  1. This component’s showBacklinks prop
  2. The page’s visible frontmatter property
  3. The backlinksConfig’s visibilityRules configuration

The <PageBacklinks> component accepts the following props:


type: string (optional)

Determines the slug of the current page. If not provided, the slug will be determined by the current page’s URL. When passing {...Astro.props} to this component, this is already set for you.


type: { data: PageSiteGraphFrontmatter } (optional)

The frontmatter properties related to the current page, for more information of what properties can be passed via this object, check out the frontmatter config. When passing {...Astro.props} to this component, this might already be set for you.


type: string (optional)

Additional classes to apply to the component.

type: boolean (optional)

Determines whether the backlinks should be displayed on this page. Will override both the page’s visible frontmatter property and the backlinksConfig’s visibilityRules configuration.