This page discusses how you can manually set the sitemap, and how the sitemap is structured.
By default, the sitemap is generated by parsing both the Markdown files, and when building the website, the HTML files in the output directory.
If the sitemap
option is set, it will be used instead of the generated sitemap.
The sitemap should be structured as follows:
: The path of the page, must either be an absolute path or an external URL.title
: The title of the page in the graph.exists
: Whether the page exists or not (also known as an unresolved node).external
: Whether the page is an external link.links
: An array of paths to pages that this page links to.backlinks
: An array of paths to pages that link to this page.tags
: An array of tags associated with the page.nodeStyle
: The style of the node in the graph, overrides any other styles applied to the node. For more information on how to style nodes, check out the styling documentation.
{ "sitemap": { "node/": { "links": [ "custom-node/", "external/" ], "tags": [ "Tag" ], "title": "Node", "exists": true, "backlinks": [] }, "custom-node/": { "nodeStyle": { "shapeColor": "nodeColor3" }, "title": "Custom Node", "exists": true, "links": [], "backlinks": [ "node/" ] }, "external/": { "external": true, "title": "External", "exists": true, "links": [], "backlinks": [ "node/" ] } }}
{ "node/": { "links": [ "custom-node/", "external/" ], "tags": [ "Tag" ], "title": "Node", "exists": true, "backlinks": [] }, "custom-node/": { "nodeStyle": { "shapeColor": "nodeColor3" }, "title": "Custom Node", "exists": true, "links": [], "backlinks": [ "node/" ] }, "external/": { "external": true, "title": "External", "exists": true, "links": [], "backlinks": [ "node/" ] }}
{ "actions": [], "tagStyles": {}, "tagRenderMode": "node", "enableDrag": false, "enableZoom": false, "enablePan": false, "enableHover": true, "enableClick": "disable", "depth": 8, "depthDirection": "both", "followLink": "same", "scale": 1.1, "minZoom": 0.05, "maxZoom": 4, "renderLabels": true, "renderArrows": true, "renderUnresolved": false, "renderExternal": true, "scaleLinks": true, "scaleArrows": true, "minZoomArrows": 0.8, "labelOpacityScale": 1.3, "labelMutedOpacity": 0, "labelHoverOpacity": 1, "labelAdjacentOpacity": 1, "labelFontSize": 12, "labelHoverScale": 1, "labelOffset": 10, "labelHoverOffset": 14, "zoomDuration": 75, "zoomEase": "out_quad", "hoverDuration": 200, "hoverEase": "out_quad", "nodeDefaultStyle": { "shape": "circle", "shapeColor": "nodeColor", "shapeSize": 10, "strokeWidth": 0, "colliderScale": 1, "nodeScale": 1, "neighborScale": 0.5 }, "nodeVisitedStyle": { "shapeColor": "nodeColorVisited" }, "nodeCurrentStyle": { "shapeColor": "nodeColorCurrent" }, "nodeUnresolvedStyle": { "shapeColor": "nodeColorUnresolved" }, "nodeExternalStyle": { "shape": "square", "shapeColor": "nodeColorExternal", "strokeColor": "inherit", "nodeScale": 0.6 }, "tagDefaultStyle": { "shape": "circle", "shapeSize": 6, "shapeColor": "backgroundColor", "strokeColor": "nodeColorTag", "strokeWidth": 1, "colliderScale": 1, "nodeScale": 1, "neighborScale": 0.7 }, "linkWidth": 1, "linkHoverWidth": 1, "arrowSize": 5, "arrowAngle": 0.5235987755982988, "centerForce": 0.05, "colliderPadding": 20, "repelForce": 200, "linkDistance": 0, "alphaDecay": 0.0228, "visibilityRules": [ "**/*" ], "prefetchPages": false}