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The <PageSidebar> component is an override of Starlight’s <PageSidebar> component, which contains both a <PageGraph> and a <PageBacklinks> component.

The sidebar itself does not handle any logic, if you want to hide either of the components, there are several different ways to do so. For more information, check out either the <PageGraph> or <PageBacklinks> documentation.



If you want to extend the <PageSidebar> component for your own website, while keeping the graph and backlinks components, you can do so by creating your own override as follows:

  1. Create your own PageSidebar.astro component in the src/overrides directory (or src/components if you prefer).
    import Default from "@astrojs/starlight/components/PageSidebar.astro";
    import type { Props } from '@astrojs/starlight/props';
    import { PageGraph, PageBacklinks } from "starlight-site-graph/components";
    <PageGraph {...Astro.props} class="right-sidebar-panel graph-panel">
    <h2 slot="title">{Astro.locals.t('starlight-site-graph.graph')}</h2>
    <Default {...Astro.props}>
    <slot />
    <PageBacklinks {...Astro.props} class="right-sidebar-panel backlinks-panel">
    <h2 slot="title">{Astro.locals.t('starlight-site-graph.backlinks')}</h2>
  2. Add the override to your astro.config.mjs file.
    import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config';
    import starlight from '@astrojs/starlight';
    export default defineConfig({
    integrations: [
    title: 'My Docs with Overrides',
    components: {
    // Override the plugin's `PageSidebar` component.
    PageSidebar: './src/overrides/PageSidebar.astro',