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This page discusses how you can use frontmatter to configure how this page is included in the sitemap.

The links frontmatter key allows you to specify additional links for a page. These links can be used to create arbitrary connections between pages in the graph.

Page title selected from the pageTitle frontmatter key.

title: My Page
- /another-page
- /subdir/page
Some important text.


The tags frontmatter key allows you to specify tags for a page. These tags can be used to group together, or style, pages in the graph. For more information, check out the tagRenderMode option.

title: My Page
- important
- featured
Some content

Sitemap Include

The include frontmatter key allows you to explicitly include or exclude a page from the sitemap.

title: My Page
include: true
Some important text.

Page Title

The pageTitle frontmatter key allows you to specify the title of a page for only the <PageGraph /> and <PageBacklinks /> components.

This setting will override both the title frontmatter key, as well as any overrides specified in the pageTitles configuration.

Page title selected from the title frontmatter key.

title: My Page
Some important text.

The linkInclusionRules frontmatter key allows you to filter which links may be included for this specific page, based on their target path. The rules are specified as a list of strings, where each string is a glob pattern. The first rule that was matched, determines whether the link is included or not.

All links are included.

title: A linked page
linkInclusionRules: ["**/*"]
This page links to [another page](/another-page),
and also to one in a [subdirectory](/subdir/page).