This page discusses how you can use frontmatter to configure how this page is included in the sitemap.
The links
frontmatter key allows you to specify additional links for a page.
These links can be used to create arbitrary connections between pages in the graph.
Page title selected from the pageTitle
frontmatter key.
---title: My Pagelinks:- /another-page- /subdir/page---
Some important text.
{ "my-page/": { "links": [ "another-page/", "dir/my-page/" ], "title": "My Page", "exists": true, "backlinks": [] }, "another-page/": { "title": "Another Page", "exists": true, "links": [], "backlinks": [ "my-page/" ] }, "dir/my-page/": { "title": "Dir Page", "exists": true, "links": [], "backlinks": [ "my-page/" ] }}
{ "actions": [], "tagStyles": {}, "tagRenderMode": "none", "enableDrag": false, "enableZoom": false, "enablePan": false, "enableHover": true, "enableClick": "disable", "depth": 8, "depthDirection": "both", "followLink": "same", "scale": 1.1, "minZoom": 0.05, "maxZoom": 4, "renderLabels": true, "renderArrows": true, "renderUnresolved": false, "renderExternal": true, "scaleLinks": true, "scaleArrows": true, "minZoomArrows": 0.8, "labelOpacityScale": 1.3, "labelMutedOpacity": 0, "labelHoverOpacity": 1, "labelAdjacentOpacity": 1, "labelFontSize": 12, "labelHoverScale": 1, "labelOffset": 10, "labelHoverOffset": 14, "zoomDuration": 75, "zoomEase": "out_quad", "hoverDuration": 200, "hoverEase": "out_quad", "nodeDefaultStyle": { "shape": "circle", "shapeColor": "nodeColor", "shapeSize": 10, "strokeWidth": 0, "colliderScale": 1, "nodeScale": 1, "neighborScale": 0.5 }, "nodeVisitedStyle": { "shapeColor": "nodeColorVisited" }, "nodeCurrentStyle": { "shapeColor": "nodeColorCurrent" }, "nodeUnresolvedStyle": { "shapeColor": "nodeColorUnresolved" }, "nodeExternalStyle": { "shape": "square", "shapeColor": "nodeColorExternal", "strokeColor": "inherit", "nodeScale": 0.6 }, "tagDefaultStyle": { "shape": "circle", "shapeSize": 6, "shapeColor": "backgroundColor", "strokeColor": "nodeColorTag", "strokeWidth": 1, "colliderScale": 1, "nodeScale": 1, "neighborScale": 0.7 }, "linkWidth": 1, "linkHoverWidth": 1, "arrowSize": 5, "arrowAngle": 0.5235987755982988, "centerForce": 0.05, "colliderPadding": 20, "repelForce": 200, "linkDistance": 0, "alphaDecay": 0.0228, "visibilityRules": [ "**/*" ], "prefetchPages": false}
No custom links specified.
---title: My Page---
Some important text, with a link to [another page](/another-page).And another link to a [subdirectory](/subdir/page).
{ "my-page/": { "links": [ "another-page/", "dir/my-page/" ], "title": "My Page", "exists": true, "backlinks": [] }, "another-page/": { "title": "Another Page", "exists": true, "links": [], "backlinks": [ "my-page/" ] }, "dir/my-page/": { "title": "Dir Page", "exists": true, "links": [], "backlinks": [ "my-page/" ] }}
{ "actions": [], "tagStyles": {}, "tagRenderMode": "none", "enableDrag": false, "enableZoom": false, "enablePan": false, "enableHover": true, "enableClick": "disable", "depth": 8, "depthDirection": "both", "followLink": "same", "scale": 1.1, "minZoom": 0.05, "maxZoom": 4, "renderLabels": true, "renderArrows": true, "renderUnresolved": false, "renderExternal": true, "scaleLinks": true, "scaleArrows": true, "minZoomArrows": 0.8, "labelOpacityScale": 1.3, "labelMutedOpacity": 0, "labelHoverOpacity": 1, "labelAdjacentOpacity": 1, "labelFontSize": 12, "labelHoverScale": 1, "labelOffset": 10, "labelHoverOffset": 14, "zoomDuration": 75, "zoomEase": "out_quad", "hoverDuration": 200, "hoverEase": "out_quad", "nodeDefaultStyle": { "shape": "circle", "shapeColor": "nodeColor", "shapeSize": 10, "strokeWidth": 0, "colliderScale": 1, "nodeScale": 1, "neighborScale": 0.5 }, "nodeVisitedStyle": { "shapeColor": "nodeColorVisited" }, "nodeCurrentStyle": { "shapeColor": "nodeColorCurrent" }, "nodeUnresolvedStyle": { "shapeColor": "nodeColorUnresolved" }, "nodeExternalStyle": { "shape": "square", "shapeColor": "nodeColorExternal", "strokeColor": "inherit", "nodeScale": 0.6 }, "tagDefaultStyle": { "shape": "circle", "shapeSize": 6, "shapeColor": "backgroundColor", "strokeColor": "nodeColorTag", "strokeWidth": 1, "colliderScale": 1, "nodeScale": 1, "neighborScale": 0.7 }, "linkWidth": 1, "linkHoverWidth": 1, "arrowSize": 5, "arrowAngle": 0.5235987755982988, "centerForce": 0.05, "colliderPadding": 20, "repelForce": 200, "linkDistance": 0, "alphaDecay": 0.0228, "visibilityRules": [ "**/*" ], "prefetchPages": false}
The tags
frontmatter key allows you to specify tags for a page.
These tags can be used to group together, or style, pages in the graph.
For more information, check out the tagRenderMode
---title: My Pagetags: - important - featured---
Some content
Sitemap Include
The include
frontmatter key allows you to explicitly include or exclude a page from the sitemap.
---title: My Pagesitemap: include: true---
Some important text.
---title: My Pagesitemap: include: false---
Some important text.
Page Title
The pageTitle
frontmatter key allows you to specify the title of a page for only the
<PageGraph />
and <PageBacklinks />
This setting will override both the title
frontmatter key, as well as any overrides specified in the
Page title selected from the title
frontmatter key.
---title: My Page---
Some important text.
{ "node/": { "title": "Node", "exists": true, "links": [], "backlinks": [] }}
{ "actions": [], "tagStyles": {}, "tagRenderMode": "none", "enableDrag": false, "enableZoom": false, "enablePan": false, "enableHover": true, "enableClick": "disable", "depth": 8, "depthDirection": "both", "followLink": "same", "scale": 2, "minZoom": 0.05, "maxZoom": 4, "renderLabels": true, "renderArrows": true, "renderUnresolved": false, "renderExternal": true, "scaleLinks": true, "scaleArrows": true, "minZoomArrows": 0.8, "labelOpacityScale": 1.3, "labelMutedOpacity": 0, "labelHoverOpacity": 1, "labelAdjacentOpacity": 1, "labelFontSize": 12, "labelHoverScale": 1, "labelOffset": 10, "labelHoverOffset": 14, "zoomDuration": 75, "zoomEase": "out_quad", "hoverDuration": 200, "hoverEase": "out_quad", "nodeDefaultStyle": { "shape": "circle", "shapeColor": "nodeColor", "shapeSize": 10, "strokeWidth": 0, "colliderScale": 1, "nodeScale": 1, "neighborScale": 0.5 }, "nodeVisitedStyle": { "shapeColor": "nodeColorVisited" }, "nodeCurrentStyle": {}, "nodeUnresolvedStyle": { "shapeColor": "nodeColorUnresolved" }, "nodeExternalStyle": { "shape": "square", "shapeColor": "nodeColorExternal", "strokeColor": "inherit", "nodeScale": 0.6 }, "tagDefaultStyle": { "shape": "circle", "shapeSize": 6, "shapeColor": "backgroundColor", "strokeColor": "nodeColorTag", "strokeWidth": 1, "colliderScale": 1, "nodeScale": 1, "neighborScale": 0.7 }, "linkWidth": 1, "linkHoverWidth": 1, "arrowSize": 5, "arrowAngle": 0.5235987755982988, "centerForce": 0.001, "colliderPadding": 20, "repelForce": 200, "linkDistance": 0, "alphaDecay": 0.0228, "visibilityRules": [ "**/*" ], "prefetchPages": false}
Page title selected from the pageTitle
frontmatter key.
---title: My Pagesitemap: pageTitle: Custom Name---
Some important text.
{ "node/": { "title": "Custom Name", "exists": true, "links": [], "backlinks": [] }}
{ "actions": [], "tagStyles": {}, "tagRenderMode": "none", "enableDrag": false, "enableZoom": false, "enablePan": false, "enableHover": true, "enableClick": "disable", "depth": 8, "depthDirection": "both", "followLink": "same", "scale": 2, "minZoom": 0.05, "maxZoom": 4, "renderLabels": true, "renderArrows": true, "renderUnresolved": false, "renderExternal": true, "scaleLinks": true, "scaleArrows": true, "minZoomArrows": 0.8, "labelOpacityScale": 1.3, "labelMutedOpacity": 0, "labelHoverOpacity": 1, "labelAdjacentOpacity": 1, "labelFontSize": 12, "labelHoverScale": 1, "labelOffset": 10, "labelHoverOffset": 14, "zoomDuration": 75, "zoomEase": "out_quad", "hoverDuration": 200, "hoverEase": "out_quad", "nodeDefaultStyle": { "shape": "circle", "shapeColor": "nodeColor", "shapeSize": 10, "strokeWidth": 0, "colliderScale": 1, "nodeScale": 1, "neighborScale": 0.5 }, "nodeVisitedStyle": { "shapeColor": "nodeColorVisited" }, "nodeCurrentStyle": {}, "nodeUnresolvedStyle": { "shapeColor": "nodeColorUnresolved" }, "nodeExternalStyle": { "shape": "square", "shapeColor": "nodeColorExternal", "strokeColor": "inherit", "nodeScale": 0.6 }, "tagDefaultStyle": { "shape": "circle", "shapeSize": 6, "shapeColor": "backgroundColor", "strokeColor": "nodeColorTag", "strokeWidth": 1, "colliderScale": 1, "nodeScale": 1, "neighborScale": 0.7 }, "linkWidth": 1, "linkHoverWidth": 1, "arrowSize": 5, "arrowAngle": 0.5235987755982988, "centerForce": 0.001, "colliderPadding": 20, "repelForce": 200, "linkDistance": 0, "alphaDecay": 0.0228, "visibilityRules": [ "**/*" ], "prefetchPages": false}
Link Inclusion Rules
The linkInclusionRules
frontmatter key allows you to filter which links may be included for this specific page,
based on their target path.
The rules are specified as a list of strings, where each string is a glob pattern.
The first rule that was matched, determines whether the link is included or not.
All links are included.
---title: A linked pagesitemap: linkInclusionRules: ["**/*"]---
This page links to [another page](/another-page),and also to one in a [subdirectory](/subdir/page).
No links are included, because the first rule is always matched first.
---title: A linked pagesitemap: linkInclusionRules: ["!**/*", "**/*"]---
This page links to [another page](/another-page),and also to one in a [subdirectory](/subdir/page).
Only links to the subdir
subdirectory are included.
---title: A linked pagesitemap: linkInclusionRules: ["**/subdir/*"]---
This page links to [another page](/another-page),and also to one in a [subdirectory](/subdir/page).